
Tips in Returning to Sport Safely after Covid-19

3 December 2021
young spanish male wearing black mask is doing stretching exercise min

In addition to improving physical, mental health, and emotional well-being, sports engagement, including indoor sports training, has long been recognized for its positive effects on one's health. Sports have a significant impact on both the economy and society.


Unfortunately, there has been a worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 that started in 2020. Lockdowns of companies, schools, and social life like having vacation at the beach, or how we spend the holidays, and all other activities which have grown frequent to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, have also interrupted many elements of daily life, including sports and physical activities.


Major sporting events at the international, regional, and national levels have been canceled or postponed to protect the health of athletes and other participants. These include marathons, football and basketball tournaments, handball and ice hockey championships, rugby, cricket, sailing, weightlifting, and wrestling. For the first time in the modern era, even the Olympics and Paralympics were postponed. As we all know, both of these events took place in 2021 instead of their originally planned dates in 2020.


Thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine, the number of cases infected by the virus is slowly decreasing, allowing the economy, businesses, and activities to reopen worldwide—including sports.


Infection risks are still there

Even while vaccination rates are rising, there is still a danger of the disease spreading.


This is the reason why athletes, their families, and sports groups will all have a say in whether or not they engage in sport and physical activity or events. Participants and spectators should be aware that social contact and gathering might enhance the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 and the transmission of the virus to family members and the general population.


In the US, all national, state, and municipal government and local health department guidelines, rules, and laws about reintroducing sports must be adhered to in full. In the Philippines, it is also essential that the government and the health department guidelines be followed by all those concerned in deciding whether or not a player may return to sports. They also must keep an eye out for any new rules or guidelines put forward on a regional or national level.


Student-Athletes returning to sports after getting infected with COVID-19

Young athletes returning to practice, training, or exercise after recovering from a positive test from COVID-19 should undergo a supervised, gradual return to sports progression with a sports medicine physician, including exercise stress testing. The Return to Play (RTP) progression has seven phases. When it comes to resuming physical activity after a case of COVID-19, mild, moderate with no evidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome, and severe cases all have different guidelines. Symptom-free athletes should begin at stage only move to the next level if they continue to show no signs of illness.


Athletes should stop physical activity if they experience any of the following red flag symptoms while trying to advance to the next stages:

  • Chest pain or irregular heartbeats.
  • Nauseous.
  • Headache.
  • A disproportionately high heart rate or a protracted heart rate recovery.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  • Sudden or abnormally fast breathing may cause shortness of breath and difficulties catching a breath.
  • Overwhelmed exhaustion
  • Swelling in the extremities
  • Passing out
  • Tunnel vision or complete loss of sight.

The athlete should take a 24-hour recovery period before returning to the prior level of training. If they already feel good, they can keep moving forward. If any symptoms continue for more than 24 to 48 hours, or if they don't go away after they stop exercising and have a severe illness, they need to contact a doctor or their primary care provider for advice on further testing.


Tips on how to play sports safely

As the different establishments slowly reopen, including gyms and sports arenas, it's crucial that our athletes know how to keep themselves safe and healthy while enjoying their favorite sports. Here are some of the tips that you should observe when you return to playing sports:

1. Prepare for practice, sports, and physical activity.

Here are the things that you consider in preparation before each of your practice or game:

  • Symptoms of illness should be checked by each athlete before starting to attend a practice or game.
  • Before and after practice or competition, thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water (minimum 20 seconds) or use hand sanitizer.
  • Preparation and post-practice or competition cleaning are essential.
  • Do not share water bottles, equipment, towels, etc.
  • Avoid touching your face or any item unless essential, and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • There will be no chest bumps, fist bumps, or high fives.
  • In between games and breaks, keep your distance from teammates, coaches, and other players.


2. Wear masks.

Masks must be worn in public by unvaccinated persons outside of sport, including coaches, referees, staff, umpires, and spectators. For unvaccinated athletes, wearing masks should be considered while practicing or playing and must be worn at all times when they are on the bench during games and when they are not participating in practice. And for some areas with high alert level, and as advised by the government, wearing face shields may also be necessary. 


3. Regularly clean surfaces and facilities.

Keep everyone's hands clean by washing them with soap and water or using hand sanitizer at all times throughout the event. This includes athletes, parents, coaches, and spectators.

For locker rooms

  • The usage of locker rooms and showers should be discouraged unless physical distance and proper cleaning mechanisms are in place between uses.
  • Bathrooms may only be utilized if they've been well cleaned beforehand.
  • Equipment that isn't necessary should be stored out of sight.

For toilets and bathroom facilities

  • Clean as often as recommended by the government's health and safety protocols or lock facilities if they can't be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Hand washing or sanitizer must be readily accessible and replenished often.

For equipment

  • Before and after each usage, disinfectant should be applied to personal equipment.
  • Avoid using community equipment if feasible. Equipment should be cleaned before and after each use if it is not possible to do so. The usage of a ball is an exception.
  • When playing ball sports, clean the balls between exercises or, if feasible, give each player their own ball.
  • Athletes should each have their own bottle of water or other beverage. Encourage the provision of additional water sources in the event that a participant forgets their own bottle.
  • Towels should only be used by one person at a time.
  • In wrestling, singlets should be cleaned or washed after each match using a suitable cleaning solution, or a backup singlet should be provided.


There is a social and moral need for athletes, families, and participants to report signs of COVID-19. If everyone discloses all symptoms associated with COVID-19, it will help prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, letting us all continue playing and watching our favorite sport.


The amenity center of Lumina Homes called eSpacio includes the signature multi-sport covered court surrounded by open spaces filled with landscaped gardens. Soon, this will open up and hold different sports activities along with the play area for the little kids.


For now, the jogging path is where health-conscious families can safely walk or jog and continue to pursue a healthy and active lifestyle.

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Watch out for more launches of eSpacio in different community developments of Lumina Homes. For inquiries about house for sale and pre-selling condo units, please contact (0917) 629 6523.
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