Why Do Real Estate Developers Conduct Groundbreaking Ceremony?
10 December 2022
As soon as our clients are ready to move forward with their construction or renovation projects, it is recommended to hold a groundbreaking ceremony. This is a great opportunity to introduce or expand on the project, get some publicity, and create some excitement around town and the general public through these short ceremonies.
This ceremony can be planned in many different ways, and many creative ideas can be used to make it fun and memorable for everyone. In addition, it is a wise idea to coordinate with your architect and the project management team to take advantage of their experience.
What is a Groundbreaking Ceremony?
A groundbreaking is an event that marks the beginning of construction on a new building. Depending on the circumstances, a new structure might be constructed or an existing building might be renovated substantially. Many organizations await this day long and hard as this event has been preceded by years of planning, brainstorming, fundraising, and meetings. Additionally, it's an excellent way to recognize and thank the people and organizations who helped complete the project.
Nobody knows when the tradition of breaking ground before a project began, but it has been around for decades. Historically, this ritual was used to provide a strong and lasting foundation for the earth in exchange for making a sacred contribution to it.
How to Run a Groundbreaking Ceremony in 4 Easy Steps
1. Prepare a budget.
When it comes to the style of a groundbreaking ceremony, there are many options. It can be a simple and intimate affair or an elaborate and energetic one. Establishing your budget ahead of time will help you make decisions about food, ambiance, and video/photography coverage based on your preferences.
2. Identify the date, time, location, and other details.
If you are planning a groundbreaking ceremony, you have a myriad of options and courses of action to choose from. You may have to make these decisions according to your vision and goals for the event, as well as the kind of building you are celebrating. A typical ceremony includes at least 2-3 speakers, sometimes more, who speak about the project, how the company came to be where it is today, and where the company is headed. Speakers from the organization, the developer, the construction firm, and local officials, for example.
Also, choose a time for your event that is convenient for your guests. In order to accommodate the media, most groundbreaking ceremonies for corporate buildings are held during the day. In case you intend to hold a groundbreaking ceremony, let your construction manager know as soon as possible. This will enable them to assist you in choosing a date so that the ceremony doesn't interfere with any ongoing work on the site. In addition, the ceremony occurs within the construction schedule at a convenient time. In order to achieve a smooth ceremony, these things need to be carefully arranged.
3. Organize your guest list and send a groundbreaking ceremony invitation to each.
You can begin building your guest list once you've identified your guests of honor and speakers. Depending on your ceremony site and project intensity, size your guest list accordingly. Divide the list into several groups. Begin by inviting company executives from partner organizations and companies that contributed to the project. A construction manager, an architect, or a financial contributor might be one of these individuals. Afterward, invite community members who are key to the success of your project.
Last but not least, create a list of media professionals you want to attend your ceremony. Make sure you leverage this opportunity to get your project in the press. Distribute a press release and invitation to local and regional media contacts. Influencers, bloggers, and live streamers with audiences similar to yours could also be invited.
Also, sending digital invitations is a great way to spread the good news about the event. By taking advantage of technology, you can not only create a great first impression, but also manage RSVPs, deliver helpful event details, and communicate with guests. It is important to send media alerts at least four weeks ahead to ensure that they will be able to provide coverage.
4. Give thanks and celebrate.
Thank your guests, as well as any local officials and notable attendees, for attending the ceremony. Send formal thank-you notes to prominent guests following the ceremony. If you need help determining who to thank, refer to your guest list. Gratitude announcements on social media can help you generate extra coverage for your event. Share photos and videos of your event with a public announcement of thanks.
Things to Consider to Get Creative Groundbreaking Ceremony Ideas
When it comes to getting people's attention, bigger is better! Prepare a creative, contemporary balloon arch or a field of giant paper flowers to greet your guests. You can also opt to create an oasis in the center of your site by asking your landscaping company to create a picturesque path. Make your theme come alive with a custom backdrop and props from an open-air photo booth vendor. Also, you must have decorative shovels and hard hats on hand - regardless of whether you use them or not.
Attendees should find it as easy as possible to attend! You should also prepare designated parking for your guests. As they step onto the red carpet to lead the way to the groundbreaking ceremony, greet them with bottles of sparkling water. To transport guests from the parking area to the party, you can hire golf carts and drivers. These are some of the ideas that will make your event much more memorable.
Why should you hold a groundbreaking ceremony?
Organizing a groundbreaking ceremony is an excellent way to boost excitement and support for your new building project. Sharing how this project will benefit your customers/clients, employees, and the community is an excellent opportunity. In addition to bringing media attention to your company, a groundbreaking ceremony is a natural opportunity to show how you're growing, meeting your mission, and where you're headed. As well as acknowledging and thanking those who contributed to getting this project started and those working on its implementation, this is another opportunity to thank and recognize those involved.
The Groundbreaking Ceremony of Lumina Calauan
The introduction of Lumina Calauan marks Lumina Homes' first project in the CALABARZON region. There was a successful groundbreaking ceremony held for Phase 1 of the development of Lumina Calauan. To ensure a strong foundation for the construction project, Lumina Homes makes a sacred deposit as part of their traditional ritual.
The groundbreaking event was led by Ms. Armela Ruiz, Lumina South Luzon Division Head, who was joined by Lumina's marketing team and accredited sellers. After its successful groundbreaking events and construction site developments in Batangas, Lumina looks forward to opening in Laguna as well.
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We strive to provide every Filipino family with an affordable house and lot for sale at Lumina Calauan. There are three types of two-story homes available at Lumina: Adriana townhouses, Athena duplexes, and single-firewall homes.
As one of the country's leading residential developers, you will definitely find a cost-efficient house and lot in the Philippines that suits your needs. Hence, if you're interested to know more about what we can offer, get in touch with one of our accredited sellers and get started on your dream home and lifetime investment! Reserve a unit today.

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