
Smart Ways to Spend Your Christmas Bonus

26 November 2020
Smart Ways to Spend Your Christmas Bonus

Christmas is just around the corner and people are planning on what kind of activities and events they should include in their Christmas parties. Aside from these happy gatherings and reunions, one of the most awaited parts of this season, especially for the working individuals, is the Christmas Bonus!



But before you go all excited and gaga about the things you should buy or shop this season, it’s a requisite to consider first if the kinds of stuff you are going to purchase are really essential for you. Remember that we are still in the period of pandemic and having some vital investments could back you up and your family’s safety and comfortability.




5 Ways on How to Spend Christmas Bonus Wisely

There are a number of ways to smartly spend your bonus money or 13th-month pay this holiday season. Fulfilling a certain materialistic urge may be tempting, but having a financial objective in mind will help you get away from the lures of splurging. Below, learn how best you can spend your cash bonus without necessarily allocating nothing for your personal wants.


1. Start an Emergency Fund

In a pandemic setting, one of the smartest ways to spend a year-end bonus is by starting an emergency fund or a savings account. Anyone who has ever experienced being short of money will agree on how important having extra cash does when an emergency requiring funding happens.


2. Become Debt-Free

This Christmas season and, subsequently, the new year, there's arguably nothing that feels better than becoming completely debt-free. So upon receiving your bonus, do not hesitate to pay any dues you have, be it a credit card debt, monthly payments you missed, or money you owed a colleague last month. Also, debts are your financial obligation, and a bad credit history will have an adverse effect later if you plan to do some serious borrowing, such as funding a house and lot in the Philippines.


3. Apply for Life Insurance

A lot of people still hesitate to enroll in a life insurance policy because, well, let's face it, it's an added financial obligation. Still, it remains a matter of fact that applying for a life insurance is a smart way to spend your Christmas bonus. We never know what lies ahead, and it's good to be prepared. Consult a financial advisor once you receive your bonus, and you will soon realize the importance of having a life insurance policy.


4. Spoil Yourself

Even though having financial goals and financial planning is of the essence, it won't hurt to spoil yourself sometimes. This holds true especially for those who are on their smooth-sailing way to financial freedom and haven't really given themselves much because of the overwhelming pressure of being the family's breadwinner. You definitely deserve to treat yourself! Click that "buy" button on your online shopping cart and go spoil yourself.


5. Buy Your Essentials

Your Christmas bonus can also be utilized for things you need or a hobby you've been setting aside due to financial constraints. Here are some of the recommended depots and services that will enable you to be future-ready:


AllHome is a store made for all your furniture and home needs. They also offer interior-styling consultancy that existing homeowners in Lumina Homes can run into for help in glamming up their houses for this season or if you just need some de-cluttering to make your home feel cozier and more organized.


For our trendy plantitos and plantitas, you can also check Green Centrale PH for some hip and awesome green thumb essentials for your home needs. They are in partnership with AllHome for your landscaping needs, so basically, it's just a one-stop shop for achieving your dream home's panache. 


Streamtech. A stable internet connection has been a vital requirement since the start of this pandemic. It's especially a must for online classes, previous office workers who have transitioned to a work-from-home setup, and even for numerous virtual family gatherings and bonding. Great thing is that Streamtech also offers cable bundles to their internet services that will help you and your family to still maximize the stay-at-home vacation and Christmas celebration this year through movie marathons and video calls in your family reunions.


Another awesome thing about Streamtech is that you can have a chance to win a Lumina house and lot from Streamtech when you subscribe to their internet and cable services. This makes it really one of the best ways to spend your Christmas bonus this year!



Another awesome thing about Streamtech is that you can have a chance to win a Lumina house and lot from Streamtech when you subscribe to their internet and cable services. This makes it really one of the best ways to spend your Christmas bonus this year!



Streamtech Promo: Get a Chance to Win a Lumina Home

Streamtech Promo: Get a Chance to Win a Lumina Home


Shopee. Christmas shopping is made easy with this online platform with their affordable Shopee 12.12 Deals. It’s also one of the best ways to cater to the new concept of gift-giving as you can directly have gifts deliver on the door-steps of your loved ones for safe stay-at-home Christmas set-up celebrations. Aside from this, you might also want to check the Lumina Homes store in Shopee for more great deals on having your own affordable house and lot.


AllDay Convenience Store is a 24-hour convenience store where you can shop your Noche Buena ingredients and essentials. As it is usually located near Lumina Homes' projects, you don’t need to be hassled and be worried when you forgot to buy some ingredients for your special Christmas dish.


But of course, you should not forget to bond over a cup of coffee or taste the sweet fruit hardwork for this challenging year. Coffee Project is an instagrammable coffee shop with its cozy and relaxing ambiance while observing the proper protocol and sanitation this pandemic season. This makes it a perfect spot to meet your business partners or clients and even do some quick appointments with friends. You may also enjoy their savory menus and your favorite meals and drinks at the comfort of your own home by using GetAll for delivery services.


Another fabulous thing about it is that you can keep track of your plans, explore discoveries, and create newfound memories through their Coffee Project's 2021 Share The Light Journal and Notekeeper! You can visit their website for more details on how to grab this wonderful journal. What a win-win way to enjoy great meals and plan the year!


Coffee Project: 2021 Share The Light Journal and Notekeeper



Reserve Your Lumina Home this Holiday Season!

But if you want to have some assurance about your future, then you might like to start investing to have your own house. With Lumina Homes Online Reservation, you can be one step ahead in achieving the pride of homeownership for as low as Php4,000.

How to Reserve your Own Lumina Home



Lumina Homes is the housing arm of Vista Land and was awarded "Top One Housing Developer" by Pag-IBIG Fund, a testament to its trustworthiness as a real estate brand providing quality yet affordable house and lot for sale for Filipino families. Get in touch with us today and we will gladly accommodate you with your real estate investment concerns!

Recommended Properties

Lumina Pandi


Brgy. Pinagkuartelan, Pandi, Bulacan

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Sitio San Jose, Brgy. Maslog Legazpi City

Lumina Batangas


Brgy. San Vicente, Sto. Tomas City, Batangas

Lumina Tagum


Purok Maharlika, Bgy. Cuambogan, Tagum City

Lumina Carcar


Brgy. Can-asujan, Carcar City, Cebu

Lumina Baras


Latigo Drive Brgy. Concepcion Baras, Rizal

Lumina San Juan


Brgy. Calincamasan, San Juan, La Union

Lumina San Miguel


Brgy. Buliran, San Miguel, Bulacan

The Balanga Residences


 Sitio Maluya, Brgy. Cupang, Balanga City, Bataan

Lumina Camarines Norte


Brgy. Cabanbanan, San Vicente, Camarines Norte

Lumina Manaoag


Brgy. Sapang, Manaoag, Pangasinan

Lumina Sorsogon


Brgy. Macabog, Sorsogon City, Sorsogon

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