The Science Behind Social Media Algorithm
16 February 2023
The majority of people throughout the world now use social media on a regular basis, and this trend is only expected to grow. Newer platforms like TikTok and LinkedIn are attracting marketers that want to advertise to engage new audiences, and they are growing in users every day, much like the more well-known networks.
There are a lot of people using these services; thus, an algorithm is used to establish some kind of hierarchy and prioritize content based on its relevance to the user.
Social Media Algorithms Defined
Generally speaking, algorithms are mathematical procedures that outline the proper operation of a given data collection.
Before, most social media feeds used to show content in reverse chronological order the introduction of algorithms. These mathematical sets of rules now play an important role in social media, helping to organize content and prioritize search results and adverts.
A social media algorithm is a system of rules and signals that determines how the material is ranked on a social network based on the likelihood that each particular user would enjoy and engage with that content. News feed algorithm is also the reason why no two users will view the same social material, even if they follow the same accounts.
How do Social Media Algorithms Work?
While the algorithms used by each social media platform are different, they all employ a similar foundation of machine learning, and a collection of signals called ranking signals to determine the relative importance of information for each user.
Due to the fact that ranking signals are often dependent on your prior experiences with the app, they are highly personalized.
Some business people see social media algorithms as intriguing enigmas, waiting to be deciphered like a jigsaw puzzle. However, if your business is like most others that have attempted to combat social media, they serve as a type of cautionary tale, a huge "unknown" that is stifling your content.
Ranking Signals for Each Social Media Platform
To the ordinary social media user, algorithms that filter out irrelevant postings in favor of more "relevant" content may appear useful and even helpful. But it's a perpetual uphill battle for marketers who don't have a solid grasp of what algorithms are and how they function.
Now that you know the fundamentals of social media algorithms, it's time to dive into the precise ranking signals used by the various social media sites.
A. Instagram Algorithm
Instagram is a widely used picture and video-sharing website that enables users to upload creative content.
Interests rule
The app analyzes your interests based on your posts and the people you follow or search for. This is great, especially for real estate marketers like Lumina Homes sellers, as this will help them reach people who are actively seeking a house and lot in the Philippines.
Popularity pops
Popularity is indicated by the volume and speed of responses to a post, as well as the overall engagement with an account, all of which may increase the likelihood of material being featured on "Explore" page.
Relationships matter
You'll see more posts from the people you follow, chat with, and interact with. This highlights the need for companies to actively encourage and respond to an interaction from their followers as it responds to how much engagement you dedicate to them.
Relevance is key
Topical interest and current events, such as the types of holidays in the Philippines, both have a role in determining relevance.
B. Facebook Algorithm
The most widely utilized medium for making and maintaining social connections with individuals across the globe.
Engagement level
The algorithm is more likely to promote articles that have received a lot of likes, comments, and shares from Facebook users with whom you already connect.
Facebook connections
The majority of the updates you see in your Facebook News Feed will be from the profiles and Pages you've chosen to follow and engage with, from your favorite artist to the popular tourist attraction in your area or a Page about the best dishes in Philippines.
Content quality
Meaningful, informative, accurate, and real are some of the words Facebook uses to define this broad class of ranking signals.
Content type
Customers who view videos get additional video content. Pictures that users like are shown to them more often, and so forth.
C. TikTok Algorithm
It's a platform for user-submitted videos ranging in length from 3 seconds to 10 minutes, and the service is geared toward short-form content.
User behavior on the discover tab
Captions, noises, effects, and popular subjects are only some of the content features analyzed in this ranking signal.
Account settings for location and language
You may be more acquainted with content that is local to you or written in your native tongue. So, if you are selling an affordable house and lot investment in the Philippines, you can easily reach your target audience if you will use our native language and tag the location of your property on your Tiktok videos.
TikTok vibes
Make use of things like sound effects, music, and text formatting on your Tiktok video that are locally offered by the app.
Previous interactions
Information such as who you follow and hide, as well as the kind of information you enjoy and don't like, are taken into consideration for its social algorithms.
If you want your material to stand out from the crowd, use some of the latest and current greatest effects and sounds.
Follower count does NOT matter
The true difference between TikTok and other apps is that the number of followers is not used as a ranking factor.
D. YouTube Algorithm
Next to Google Search, YouTube is the most popular website in the world because to its ability to host user-generated content in the form of videos.
Videos that are closely similar in a specific topic or that are often seen together will appear in the recommended videos.
Video performance
In general, algorithms favor more popular videos. How long a video is seen, how many people like or hate it, and how many times it is clicked on are all indicators of the YouTube algorithm.
Watch history
YouTube will suggest videos that are similar to what a user has already seen.
E. LinkedIn Algorithm
LinkedIn is a social media platform with a strong emphasis on professional networking and job searching.
Interaction during the early stage
When determining whether or not to distribute material further, LinkedIn's algorithm takes early interaction into account as a supplementary quality check.
LinkedIn connections
People who are more closely connected to you will see more of your posts in their user's feed, and their interest in a certain topic may be gathered from the pages, groups, and hashtags they follow.
Post quality
An initial sort by LinkedIn's algorithm determines if the blog post or information is spam, low-quality, or high-quality. You most likely already know which one is the one to shoot for.
These social media algorithms exist, and we can use this in order to improve our business exposure and visibility online.
As a Lumina Homes business partner, you can take advantage of all the mentioned ranking signals on your social media strategy when you advertise or create content our affordable house and lot for sale. Become an accredited Lumina Homes Seller now and experience the freedom as well as various opportunities that a real estate career can offer.

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