How to Compute SSS Maternity Benefit
4 May 2022
Do you know that in the Philippines, there are roughly 302 live births each hour, or an average of 7,255 newborns born per day? As of August 2021, this number contributes to the 111 million people living in the Philippines, making up 1.41 percent of the world's total population! Whoa! Truly, becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding for some women. This means that from the time of conception through the time of the child's adulthood, moms are always there for their offspring.
In point of fact, it is noticeable that more and more Filipino women are becoming mothers even in the midst of poverty, the pandemic, job losses, and economic instability, and many consider it a significant blessing.
This is the reason why President Rodrigo R. Duterte signed the Republic Act (RA) No. 11210, or the Expanded Maternity Leave Law on February 20, 2019.
In addition to this, the legislation also requires employers to pay employees' income differentials. In the private sector, working women may expect to earn their entire income, which includes the SSS's maternity benefit based on their average daily salary credit and any salary differential provided by their employers.
Average Daily Salary Credit or ADSC
Average daily salary credit is calculated by "dividing the sum of the six (6) highest monthly salary credits in the twelve-month period immediately preceding the semester of contingency by one hundred eighty."
Salary Differential
The salary differential is the difference between the employee's base wage and the SSS benefits-- in short, this is the amount that the company is responsible for paying. This is to give assurance that while the employee is on maternity leave, she will still continue to be paid in the amount of her full salary.
To get a full grasp of what SSS Maternity Benefit is all about, let's discuss it first in this article.
What is SSS Maternity Benefit?
SSS members unable to work due to delivery, miscarriage, or emergency termination of pregnancy, including stillbirth, are eligible for a daily cash allowance under this maternity benefit.
How can a woman be eligible for the SSS Maternity Benefits?
Maternity leave benefits are available to SSS-covered female employees, government workers, self-employed persons, and national athletes who satisfy the following criteria:
For private employees and self-employed women:
In the 12 months before the semester of birth, miscarriage, or abortion, the female employee must have at least three SSS contributions submitted. For example, a good rule of thumb is to pay at least three monthly payments from January 2019 to December 2019 if you intend to give birth in June 2021.
Notification and proof of pregnancy:
A qualified female worker must submit supporting documents such as the ultrasound report, medical certificate, or pregnancy test stick to:
- their employer for private workers
- head of the agency for government workers
- directly to the SSS through the My.SSS portal or SSS Mobile App for OFW, self-employed, and unemployed members
Republic Act (RA) No. 11210 or the Expanded Maternity Leave Law
Only 60 days of paid leave for normal birth and 78 days of paid leave for caesarean delivery were available prior to the passage of the Expanded Maternity Leave Law. The lengthier maternity leave allows moms more time to prepare for delivery, recuperate after childbirth, and care for their babies.
The Expanded Maternity Leave Law mandates that the Social Security System or SSS provide eligible SSS members a cash payment equal to 100% of their average daily wage credit. Paid time off may be taken for a defined number of days each year, as set out in the law:
- 105 days for live childbirth, regardless if it’s a normal or caesarean delivery
- 120 days for solo parent who is giving birth, that is 105 days plus additional 15 days
- 60 days for women who had a miscarriage or emergency termination of pregnancy
Also, depending on your company, you may be able to take longer maternity leave than is required by law.
In addition, the new paid maternity leave legislation mandates that there is no limit on the number of pregnancies that are covered. There are maternity payments from the SSS for every birth or miscarriage/stillbirth, regardless of how many times you become pregnant. Previously, SSS maternity payments were only available for the first four births or miscarriages of a new mother, but under this expanded law, this policy has been changed.
Optional Extension on Maternity Leave
Female workers who are SSS members that give birth have the option of taking an extra 30 days of unpaid leave on top of the statutory 105 days of paid leave. Maternity leave may be extended if you tell or notify your employer in writing that you would like to extend your leave at least 45 days before the end of your current maternity leave.
An option to allocate the Maternity Leave to the Child's father
Additionally, you may give the baby's father the option of receiving seven paid days of maternity leave, regardless of whether you're married. Just take note that only in circumstances of live birth does this rule apply.
On the other hand, even if the father of the kid has passed away, disappeared, or is otherwise unable of caring for the child, you may transfer the seven-day leave credits to a family member or current partner, regardless of gender identity, with whom you are now living with.
You should inform your employer if you want to take advantage of the voluntary maternity leave allotment. Employer notification is also required for the father or substitute caretaker who will be taking advantage of the allotted leave credits.
Maternity benefits of up to PHP 80,000 are available to SSS members who qualify. Members having a monthly salary credit or MSC of PHP 20,000, or those who are earning PHP 19,750 and above per month, are eligible for the maximum benefit.
Maternity Benefits Computation
Total amount of SSS maternity benefit = (Average monthly salary credit ÷ 180) x Number of paid leave days
The following are the methods to figure out your SSS maternity benefits using the calculation above:
1. Do not include the semester in which you give birth or have a miscarriage in your calculations.
For example, if your delivery date is June 2021, exclude the months of January to June 2021.
2. Count backwards from the month before the semester of delivery or miscarriage by 12 months.
The 12-month period is from January to December 2020, according to our example given above.
3. Get the total monthly salary credit or MSC of the 12 month period.
For assistance in locating your MSC, see the table of SSS contributions. For instance, if your monthly pay is PHP 30,000 from January to December 2020, your MSC is PHP 20,000. PHP 120,000 would be the total of your six highest MSCs that is: PHP 20,000 x 6.
4. Determine your average daily salary credit or ADSC.
To calculate your daily maternity allowance, divide your average MSC by 180 days. Based on our example earlier, your ADSC is PHP 666.67 if your MSC is on average PHP 120,000 each year.
5. Get the total amount of your SSS maternity benefit.
To calculate your total SSS maternity benefit, multiply your ADSC by the number of days you'll be out of work while you're pregnant. Normal or caesarean delivery lasts 105 days, 120 days for single parents, and 60 days for miscarriage, abortion, or stillbirth. If you want to provide your leave credits to the child's father or another caregiver, you must deduct seven days from your total leave credits.
To help you out, here is a sample computation of your SSS maternity benefit if your salary is in the maximum MSC of PHP 20,000
- For normal/caesarian delivery: (PHP 120,000 ÷ 180) x 105 days = PHP 70,000
- For solo parents: (PHP 120,000 ÷ 180) x 120 days = PHP 80,000
- For miscarriage/abortion/stillbirth: (PHP 120,000 ÷ 180) x 60 days = PHP 40,000
If you're expecting a child, remember that you'll still be paid the full amount of your salary while you're away. Companies must pay the salary differential, which is the difference between their covered workers' full income and their actual SSS benefit, as mandated by the Expanded Maternity Leave Law.
Online Application for SSS Maternity Benefit
Maternity benefit applications may now be submitted online, according to Social Security Commission Resolution No. 189. s. 2021, which took effect on May 31, 2021. To file for your SSS Maternity Benefits online, all you have to do is to follow these steps:
- Please sign in to your My.SSS member account.
- Go to the E-services tab and click submit Maternity Benefit Application.
- Once you've read over the necessary information, click the "Proceed" button.
- To verify your eligibility for SSS maternity benefits, validate the information you've entered, then click Proceed.
- Click Continue once you've filled out the remaining fields, such as Claim Type and Disbursement Account.
- Include any relevant supporting papers in your upload. Select I Certify and Submit once you have read the certification statement.
- Don't forget to take note of the generated transaction information.
- Make sure to check your email for a notice from Social Security on your application for maternity benefits.
For Maternity Benefit Application Adjustment, Maternity Benefit Reimbursement, and Adjustment of Maternity Benefit Reimbursement, follow the same method. Simply choose the appropriate E-services tab from the menu.
You must get your entire maternity benefit within 30 days of filing for maternity leave, as required by law. Afterwards, the SSS will refund your employer in full. Meanwhile. SSS will immediately distribute the benefit to self-employed or volunteer members.
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