How to Celebrate Bonifacio Day at Home
27 November 2021
The 158th anniversary of the birth of "Father of the Philippine Revolution" Gat Andres Bonifacio will be celebrated by the whole country on Tuesday, November 30.
While other heroic Filipinos, such as Jose Rizal, are commemorated on the anniversary of their deaths Bonifacio is being remembered by the nation on his actual birthday which is on Nov. 30, 1863. The reason for this is that he was slain by his own people, not by foreign invaders.
On Bonifacio Day, Filipinos honor his life and bravery as one of the country's most prominent heroes. Bonifacio is widely regarded as a key figure in the ultimate establishment of the Philippines as a republic and the lifting of the Spanish’s oppressive colonial rule.
Ways to Celebrate this National Holiday
There are many fun ways how Filipinos celebrate Bonifacio Day safely at home with the whole family.
1. Dish up Bonifacio's Favorite Recipe
Prepare Bonifacio's favorite meals, such as nilitsong manok sa saha ng saging and tinapa with tomato, onions, and salted eggs, and make him proud on Bonifacio day holiday. This collection of dishes reveals Bonifacio's deep roots in Filipino cuisine—making him a true-blue Filipino even when it comes to food. You can even make this a regular feature of the Bonifacio Day celebrations whether you're in the Philippines or abroad.
2. Freedom through poetries with your family
The Father of Katipunan has a fondness for poetry—especially for poems expressing a stated admiration for the Philippines. This is why Bonifacio Day poetry slams are a fantastic idea for the same reason that they're a suitable tribute to this specific Filipino hero. There are various possible topics that you can apply on your piece from independence, patriotism, or perhaps the life of Gat Andres Bonifacio. You can even decorate in a way that encourages a poetry slam environment so that each performance is personal and fascinating. Keep in mind that everyone is a winner as long as the poetry is given with sincere and authentic emotion. You can even upload it on social media or feature it on your personal blog.
3. Lay flowers on Bonifacio’s monuments
There are many monuments dedicated to Andres Bonifacio in every city or country around the Philippines. You can make a flower arrangement from your garden or buy some from a flower shop. You can then visit and lay these flowers on the Bonifacio monument nearest you as a sign of respect and honor to one of our national heroes.
4. Conduct a book donation drive
Andres Bonifacio is well-known in the Philippines for his habit of reading books during work breaks. As a bibliophile, did you know that Bonifacio had his own personal library back in the day? That is why conducting a book donation drive is also one of the great ways on how to celebrate his day. Your generosity in giving your books to public libraries and schools will be much appreciated by Bonifacio as he believed that youth and education are critical to the future of our country.
5. Binge watch Bonifacio films
People who see movies about Andres Bonifacio are likely to rediscover a passion for doing good deeds for their fellow Filipinos and the country as a whole. Get all the Andres Bonifacio movies or documentary films you can have your hands on at your local video shop, and then get the munchies and the DVD player ready before you settle down with your friends or loved ones on the sofa. Enjoy this free day that you have to view movies about Bonifacio's life.
6. A family Q and A Games
If you're a fan of Andres Bonifacio's life and death, you'll be delighted to uncover fresh facts or discoveries that challenge the widely held beliefs about this Filipino hero.
Hosting Andres Bonifacio trivia games at the comforts of your home will allow you to spread joy with your family and loved ones. Pinoy Henyo, a game of questions and answers, is destined to be a smash and charades are also a good idea to try. Everyone can have a terrific time while learning a lot about the revolutionary hero at the same time.
Who is Andres Bonifacio?
Andrés Bonifacio y de Castro was a Filipino nationalist activist who was born on November 30, 1863, during the Spanish colonial era in the Philippines. The Katipunan, which he helped to create following the expulsion of fellow militant José Rizal in 1892, was a secret organization of revolutionaries. It wasn't until 1896 that he rose to the top ranks of the Philippine Revolution. Discord among the revolutionaries led to the selection of Emilio Aguinaldo as their new commander. In 1897, Bonifacio was executed for refusing to step down from his position.
A brief history of Katipunan
A secret meeting was held at No. 72 Azcarraga Street on July 7, 1892, after discovering that Rizal was being deported and his writings were to be prohibited in the Philippines. Members of La Liga Filipina, a progressive group created by Rizal, were in attendance, including Andres Bonifacio, Deodatto Arellano, Valentin Diaz, Teodoro Plata, and a few more. Men gathering agreed that a revolutionary secret society needed to be formed, and thus the Kataastasang Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan was created.
It was Katipunan's mission to promote three pillars of the Filipino community's life: the political sphere, personal morality, and community involvement. The people who joined this secret society were called for armed resistance in order to liberate the nation from the oppression of Spanish rule. They also saw it as their personal duty to serve the impoverished and afflicted, and to teach them good manners, cleanliness, and morals.
Andres Bonifacio has long been regarded as a national hero in the Philippines and as an inspiration. He embodies the Filipino people's fervent longing for freedom and became the driving force in the movement to secure our nation's independence.
Regardless of how you plan to commemorate Bonifacio Day, make sure to spread his legacy and passion for helping our nation. You can also do your best to ensure that these acts will live on, not only today in your home, or in every minute of your everyday life, but also to your community as well!
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