
Hidden Home Toxins: What's Lurking Inside Your Home?

17 April 2023
Hidden Home Toxins Whats Lurking Inside Your Home

There are products in our environment that may be hazardous to our health. We learned from a variety of research that exposure to some harmful chemicals is hazardous and can have long-term effects on our health.


Our body has strong defenses in place to defend itself from the effects of pollutants. Toxic chemicals are filtered and removed from our bloodstream by our liver and kidneys. Our digestive and immune systems are built to detect and resist foreign chemicals and invaders.


However, issues develop when your body's ability to defend itself is exceeded by pollutants. The unpleasant reality of modern life is that there are more toxic substances than ever before. These dangerous chemicals hidden in our everyday environment are literally making us sick.


Believe it or not, our home might be an unexpected source of hidden pollutants and other chemicals that harm our health and well-being. Some research even claim that some household contaminants may be the core cause of some chronic health problems.


Fortunately, there are better solutions. Toxins can be removed from your house and safer alternatives can be chosen once you know where they are lurking.



Known Home Toxins and Harmful Chemicals

Some of us may already know that several products in our homes can be toxic. Experts and research have been voicing the alarm for years, and even environmental working group discusses the critical problem. Yet, home toxins remain rampant and poorly regulated.


Among the most common and known toxins in the home are fairly easy to spot. These include:

1. Lead or lead paint

2. Asbestos

3. Radon

4. Pesticides


There are also other toxic chemicals such as volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, and endocrine disrupting chemicals that fly more easily under the radar. They are mostly present in common household products we encounter every day:

1. Cleaning products

2. Household pest control products

3. Air fresheners

4. Skincare products and makeup

5. Polyester and foam products

6. Plastics

7. Cookware

8. Carpet

9. Furniture

10. Clothing



Common Symptoms of Toxicity

We cannot argue the fact that all of us are being exposed to toxins in the home. What we go do now is to identify how much exposure we are subject to and what particular toxins and pollutants, natural or not, are irritating you and your family.

Of course, each one of us has varying level of sensitivity. There are some people who are very sensitive to harmful chemicals at levels that may not be obvious to others. Otherwise, there are people that may be experiencing symptoms and just not realize it is related to home toxins.

Symptoms from exposure to toxins in the home can range from mild reactions to severe. Several of these symptoms may take years to develop, making it very crucial to pinpoint the connection between exposure and health outcomes. In this case, more research is needed.


Common toxicity symptoms include:

  • Headache

  • Dizziness

  • Fatigue

  • Sneezing

  • Rashes

  • Swelling

  • Body pains

  • Diarrhea

If you or someone in your household regularly experience these symptoms, you should evaluate their exposure to toxins in the home.



Adverse Health Effects of Hidden Home Toxins

While we can determine some of the known poisons' health effects, we cannot avoid the dangers of continually exposing oneself to these substances. While we don't always know how much exposure causes detrimental consequences, we do know these products have risks.

As the quantity of man-made chemicals and pollutants has increased over time, we have discovered that the level of these toxins in our air, water, soil, and bodies has increased. It is no surprise that as chemical use has increased, so have rates of chronic disease, autoimmune disorders, and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).

Some of the serious health consequences of toxic environmental and lifestyle factors in the home include:

1. Central nervous system damage or damage to the organs (kidney and liver).

2. Hormone disruption from EDCs can result in everything from infertility to acne.

3. Immune system disruption. Some products reduce normal immune response, while others stimulate select immune actions.

4. Asthma

5. Migraines



Ways to Reduce Exposure to Toxic Chemicals at Home


1. Utilize green products or natural cleaning supplies

By making the switch to natural cleaning products, you can get rid of harmful toxins. Opting for eco-friendly options can be advantageous since they don't have any hazardous substances or fragrances that might irritate your lungs. It's recommended that you go for cleaning products that don't have chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, or petroleum distillates, as well as those that don't contain bleach which can be dangerous if inhaled.


Using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, or essential oils can be an excellent alternative for cleaning. It's a good idea to switch to non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning products. When using bleach, it's essential to avoid inhalation. Having a clean and safe home means you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're not inhaling any harmful fumes, which makes it easier to breathe.



2. Try to avoid purchasing product with volatile organic compounds (vocs)

It is advisable to steer clear of products that contain volatile organic compounds. These are substances that tend to evaporate at normal room temperature and are present in numerous household items such as varnish, paint, furniture polish, and pest control products. Exposure to VOCs may cause skin, eye, and nasal irritation, as well as headaches, fatigue, and dizziness.


If you can, opt for products with lower VOC content or those that are VOC-free. Additionally, it's important to properly ventilate your home after painting by opening windows for at least half an hour.



3. Try using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

It is suggested to utilize a vacuum cleaner that comes with a HEPA filter. HEPA means high-efficiency particulate air, and this type of filter is specifically designed to capture tiny particles. HEPA filters are employed in air filters, respirators, and vacuum cleaners, and can remove up to 99.97% of particles that are as small as 0.3 microns from the air.


If you're seeking a method to reduce the number of indoor toxins in your home without spending money on new furniture or fixtures, consider opting for a vacuum cleaner that comes equipped with a HEPA filter (or one that has an activated carbon filter, at the very least).


By doing this, you can help prevent the accumulation of dust mites while also purifying the air in your immediate surroundings, which will reduce the risk of developing severe allergic reactions.



4. Assess the quality of paints and stains used on your household furniture

Paints and stains may contain hazardous chemicals, particularly if they're old. To mitigate indoor air pollution, opt for paint products that have low or no VOCs (volatile organic compounds) since these are discharged during application. It's also recommended to choose paint products made from natural materials such as linseed oil rather than those derived from petroleum-based products.


Another suggestion is to choose stains instead of paints as they don't contain solvents, which are among the most harmful elements present in household items today. If you're in search of furniture that's safe for your home, consider purchasing items made from non-toxic materials like natural wood, bamboo, or cane.


For households with young children, it's best to avoid products that have flame retardants (which are frequently linked to cancer). Also, stay away from stain-resistant finishes as they contain perfluorinated chemicals that may be detrimental.



5. Conduct a regular check of your indoor air quality for toxic chemicals

To minimize exposure to dangerous indoor air pollutants, it's crucial to test your home for these toxins. Testing kits are easily obtainable from hardware stores, both online and in-store. The most common tests include measuring carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde, and radon gas. If you have young children or pets who spend a lot of time inside, it's also wise to test for mold spores and mildew growth. Lead dust is a frequent cause of poisoning, particularly among children. So, if you suspect that lead pipes or other sources inside your house may be causing water supply problems, including lead paint on surfaces like window sills, it's always a good idea to investigate with a lead test kit.


Asbestos, which is still present in many older homes constructed before 1980, is another dangerous substance to be aware of. If you reside in a region where it's hot all year, it's recommended that you hire asbestos professionals to inspect your home and safely remove these toxic materials without endangering yourself or others.


There are numerous methods to eliminate toxins from your home. While some are more effective than others, the most critical step is to take action and do something about it! If you're seeking something quick and easy, consider making homemade cleaners with ingredients such as baking soda and vinegar. These substances are ideal for cleaning surfaces and removing dirt and stains without leaving behind dangerous and harsh chemicals that could harm children or pets if they accidentally ingest them.


If you want a more permanent and long-term solution, consider contacting a professional cleaning company. They can evaluate your property and recommend the best methods to remove toxins and other hazardous materials from your home.



Apart from considering these pieces advice on how to reduce your exposure to toxins, it is also safe to say that you should choose the location of your real estate investment wisely. You need to observe if the development of your potential house and lot in the Philippines has complied with all green building practices that can help reduce toxins by using non-toxic and sustainable materials.


If you're a prospective home buyer looking for such quality in your dream affordable house and lot, then Lumina Homes is here for you. We make sure that are projects are as eco-friendly as possible and our sites have landscapes with plants, trees, and shrubs to improve outdoor air quality by reducing pollutants and absorbing carbon dioxide. This can also reduce the need for toxic pesticides and herbicides. Contact our accredited sellers to know more about our affordable house and lot for sale in your area.

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