5 Steps How to Get Medical Certificate in the Philippines
12 September 2022
Being healthy and physically abled are two of the most critical factors in making a living. You need strength and wisdom to achieve your targeted goals, especially if you plan to buy a house and lot in the Philippines.
However, there's a limited number of years when it comes to housing loan repayment terms, whether bank financing or a PAG-IBIG loan. Therefore, you must be within that age requirement to get approved, including applying for an affordable house and lot for sale.
So, if you are worried or unsatisfied with your current health condition, the best solution is to get a medical certificate for confirmation.
What is a Medical Certificate?
A medical certificate is an official statement from a licensed medical professional stating your overall health. The results embedded are based on facts and actual findings through extensive laboratory examinations and diagnostic tests.
This document also shows whether or not you are physically fit. It also includes the doctor's recommendation that concerns your health and wellness.
Other details include the following:
Patient's Personal Information. It consists of the patient's full name, address, marital status, and gender.
Doctor's Details. It includes the physician's full name, clinic address, contact number, license number, and field of expertise. It also consists of the physical signature or stamp of the issuing doctor.
Summary of Findings/Diagnosis. This part is the full context of the conducting physician's actual findings and medical diagnosis based on the laboratory and diagnostic results.
Doctor's Recommendation. It is a summary of recommendations to the patient based on the diagnosis.
Purpose of Issuance. A medical certificate cannot be issued without the purpose of getting one. Any issuing doctor cannot give out these certificates without proper findings.
Uses of Medical Certificates
Medical certificates are only used for the following reasons:
- Travel requirements, local or abroad
- Getting health benefits from an employer
- Insurance claims for injury
- New job application requirements
- Certification that you are physically fit
On the other hand, your local health unit or barangay health center can also issue a medical certificate if it is used for general purposes only.
Today, getting a medical certificate through an online portal of several hospitals and healthcare professionals is even easier. Getting a medical certificate online is becoming a trend due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic.
Step-by-step Guide to Getting a Medical Certificate
The process in getting medical certificate in the Philippines has two (2) different ways. One is for generic medical certificate uses, and the other one is for claims and police reports.
Generic Purposes
Obtaining a medical certificate for general use is easy. You can get a medical certificate from public or private hospitals, clinics, and your family doctor.
1. Choose your preferred healthcare professional.
You need to know that not all doctors can issue a medical certificate if they do not know your health history. That is why choosing your preferred healthcare professional who knows your health status is highly recommended. So, schedule an appointment for a consultation and certificate issuance.
2. Perform Physical examination based on consultation.
Visit your doctor on the confirmed appointment date and answer all the questions asked by your doctor. Ensure you tell the truth because the results cannot lie once you are examined. Conduct medical diagnostics required and wait for the results to come out.
3. Receive the medical certificate.
Your doctor will release a written statement summarizing the medical findings of your overall health. Your doctor will also tell you if he sees any abnormalities in your health and perhaps prescribes medication if needed. Make sure you check all the details and are correct before going home.
Claims and Police Reports
Accidents may happen anytime, and so are abuses and assaults. In case of injury or claims, you can ask for a special medical certificate or medico-legal certificate. But, you can only get a medico-legal certificate from your insurance-accredited hospitals or healthcare facilities in the Philippines.
It goes the same with filing police reports; they usually honor medical certificates from government hospitals. This type of medical certificate serves as proof or evidence of claims.
1. Visit the nearest government hospital or accredited healthcare facility.
If you can manage, you must go to the nearest government healthcare facility or an accredited hospital for immediate medical assessment. But, you may call or ask someone to call for an emergency, such as 911. Make sure all the medical examinations are performed to target the right nature or degree of illness and injury.
2. Ask for a medico-legal certificate from the assigned doctor.
Request for a medico-legal certificate once an examination and medical assessment are done. Most of the time, the assigned doctors from emergency care issue these certificates.
3. Receive a copy of your medico-legal certificate.
Once again, check all the details, and they are accurate. Make sure the attending physician signs it with a complete diagnosis. Remember, this type of document is evident proof of your injury for claims.
Do's and Don’ts in Getting a Medical Certificate
When getting a medical certificate, it is crucial only to declare factual findings. Falsifying a document is punishable by law in the Philippines. Under the Revised Penal Code Article 174, any falsification can be punished with a minimum of 4-6 months arresto mayor or a maximum of 2 years imprisonment, plus a P200,000.00 penalty.
Getting a medical certificate after the illness is not recommended since doctors cannot backdate the issuance. Doctors generally cannot issue medical certificates without supporting medical diagnostics and laboratory results.
Health is Wealth: Your Capital Investment for a Stable Job
Getting sick can be troublesome for you, especially if you want a wonderful job that could provide a better future for your family. Buying an affordable house and lot at Lumina Homes can be within your reach as long as you take care of your health.
Keep in mind that staying healthy is your capital investment in getting a better job opportunity. Therefore, make regular consultations with your doctor and get health insurance if possible. As such, you don’t have to worry about what’s written on your medical certificate in the future.

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