5 Ways to Care and Get Involved in World Diabetes Day 2021
13 November 2021
Diabetes is a long-term condition that happens when the pancreas does not create enough insulin or if the body cannot use the insulin it produces. As a result, the blood glucose level is elevated, resulting in hyperglycemia.
In fact, as of 2019, an estimated 466 million adults or 1 in 11 worldwide are living with diabetes. It is expected to rise to 578 million by 2030. Also, 1 out of 2 adults with diabetes, this is around 232 million, remain undiagnosed while the majority of them have Type 2 diabetes. In addition to this, more than three-quarters of persons with diabetes reside in low- and middle-income nations.
As a result, there has been an increase in risk factors such as obesity. Low and middle-income nations have seen a more tremendous growth in the prevalence of diabetes in the previous decade than high-income countries have.
"Access to diabetes care" will be the focus of this year's World Diabetes Day.
There are many ways to get involved in World Diabetes Day 2021:
1. Highlight the WDD on your online posts
You can do this by sharing and promoting the WDD campaign messages as well as their website.

World Diabetes Day 2021 campaigns theme is access to diabetes care
You can even take a blue circle selfie as your profile picture to show your support for this awareness campaign.
2. Raise awareness about diabetes
You can also raise awareness about the risks of this chronic disease by organizing a 'Diabetes Awareness' event for students in schools. Diabetes Day World can be useful links for the young generation to know the facts, diabetes care, challenges and complications faced by people living with diabetes, and existence of the global diabetes community, and ways to commemorated World Diabetes Day.
3. Join World Diabetes Day activities
Participate in or organize a diabetes awareness walk in your area or a free blood glucose meters check. Share stories about people living with diabetes to help promote the ways on how to prevent it.
4. Light up the community in blue
You may decorate your house or business with blue lights to show your support to people affected by diabetes, as well as raise awareness in your community about the illness.
5. Seize the opportunity to avoid the disease

Importance of early discovery of being diagnosed with diabetes for immediate treatment
A healthy diet and regular exercise may help prevent type 2 diabetes, the most prevalent form of this illness, from developing. Prevention is always better than cure when it comes to preventing type 2 diabetes, whether you're already at risk due to obesity, high cholesterol, or a family history of the disease.
Types of Diabetes Diagnosis
In tackling Diabetes, it is essential to know the three types of this chronic illness:
Type 1 Diabetes
A lack of insulin production is the primary symptom of type 1 diabetes, formerly known as insulin-dependent or childhood-onset diabetes.
Type 2 Diabetes
When the body's insulin production is inefficient, it results in type 2 diabetes, previously known as non-insulin-dependent or adult-onset diabetes. It is often the effect of being overweight or inactive.
Gestational diabetes
This is a kind of hyperglycemia that is most often seen in pregnant women.
World Diabetes Day or WDD
With the alarming number of individuals around the world who are suffering from diabetes, it's good to know that there is already a special day allotted for these growing concerns.

People with diabetes around the world percentage
The World Diabetes Day is the most effective diabetes awareness program globally spearheaded by the World Health Organization and International Diabetes Federation, reaching over 1 billion people in 160 countries. The campaign raises awareness of critical concerns for the global diabetes community and helps to keep the disease firmly in the public and political eye.
It is celebrated every year on the 14th of November, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who developed insulin in 1922, together with Charles Best.
The campaign for World Diabetes Day seeks to be a year-round platform for promoting IDF advocacy work and acting as a global movement to raise awareness of diabetes' relevance as a worldwide health problem.
History of World Diabetes Day
The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) teamed together in 1991 to form the World Diabetes Day or WDD. In 2006, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 61/225, designating November 14th as the official World Diabetes Day.
Following the United Nations resolution on diabetes in 2007, a blue circle emblem was chosen to symbolize the campaign. Since then, global diabetes awareness has been symbolized by a blue circle. This represents the worldwide diabetes community's solidarity in response to the diabetes crisis.
In the 100 years after insulin was discovered, millions of individuals with diabetes are still unable to get their urgent need for medical attention. Diabetes is a long-term ailment that requires constant attention and assistance.
Insulin's centennial provides a chance to make a difference for the 460 million people with diabetes and the millions more at risk of developing it. Together, people with diabetes worldwide have the power, influence, and will to effect real change. There's no time to waste.
Importance of Health and Avoiding Diabetes
Here are some of the healthy tips on how to avoid getting high blood sugar:
1. Increase your level of physical activity.
Taking part in regular physical exercise has several advantages. Most persons' weight reduction and weight maintenance objectives include aerobic, resistance, and little inactivity exercises. Make sure to aim for 30 minutes or more of these exercises of at least a total of 150 minutes a week.
2. Drop those additional pounds.
Diabetes risk may be reduced by losing weight. In one prominent study, participants lowered their chance of getting diabetes by over 60% after decreasing around 7% of their body weight with exercise and dietary adjustments of all kinds.
3. Stay away from fad diets and opt for healthy options instead.
Weight loss and long-term weight stabilization are the two primary objectives of a healthy diet for you to pursue. As a result, making wise food choices necessitates a plan that you can stick to for the rest of your life. Over time, making healthy choices that reflect some of your tastes for food and customs can help maintain your figure and healthy body.
4. Eat plenty of unsaturated fats.
Because of their high caloric content, fatty foods should only be consumed in moderation. The two types of unsaturated fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that help keep cholesterol levels in check. It also keeps the heart and blood vessels in excellent working order. Good fats may be found in the following foods:
- Olive, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, and canola oils
- Nuts and seeds, such as almonds, peanuts, flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds
- Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, and cod

People living with diabetes must be involved in watching their food intake.
5. Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
Diets high in fiber help people shed pounds and keep their blood sugar levels under control. Consume a wide range of nutritious, high-fiber foods, such as:
- Fruits, such as tomatoes, peppers, and fruit from trees
- Nonstarchy vegetables, such as leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower
- Legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, and lentils
- Whole grains, such as whole-wheat pasta and bread, whole-grain rice, whole oats, and quinoa

Prevention and promote health care response is the aim for World Diabetes Day
If you make a few minor lifestyle adjustments now, you may be able to prevent the long-term effects of diabetes, such as nerve, kidney, and heart damage. Starting now is better than starting later.
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